Spending Summary 8th November 2023 to 7th November 2024
JustUs supported 86 people from 47 households for the year with 75 people reaching a positive housing outcome. JustUs has also supported another 15 individuals from a further 9 households whose future housing has yet to be determined.
The total spending can be summarised as follows:
- Casework costs including caseworkers’ holiday pay and caseworkers’ professional supervisions £14,273.20.
- Giving information to members of the public and other professionals £562.87
- Purchasing furniture and household goods £1,972.84
- Follow-on housing support £66.58
- Promoting better practice (hours worked) £3,159.37
- Administration (hours worked) £2,771.85
- Other admin costs (professional registrations, stationery, postage, printer ink website hosting) £758.28
- Travel £535.35
- Parking £40.50
- IT support £118.17
- Insurance £437.10
- Consultation fees £220.00 and
- Gift vouchers for people with lived experience contributing to the JustUs/Homeless Best Practice CIC forum £180.00
Total spending £25,096.11
This means that JustUs gets someone a positive housing outcome for every £190.31 it spends on casework.