From the creation of JustUs in 2014 as a small charity to the change to it becoming a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO)on the 23rd March 2016, JustUs supported 14 individuals from 10 households into accommodation.
The following figures show the spending in this period (rounded to the nearest pound):
Casework inc. mileage = all voluntary
Admin* = £676
Total £676
*Includes Printing / stationery / postage (£56), Items for clients (£88), Information Commissioner's Officer (ICO) registration (£70), Reference Books (£167), Bedfordshire Rural Communities Charity (BRCC) membership (£35), Website and email hosting (£85), client Subject Access Requests (£40), Office equipment (shredder x 2, printer, metal file box) (84), Phone credit (£25) and miscellaneous items (parking, train ticket) (£26)