In the financial year running from 7th Nov 2016 - 6th November 2017, JustUs supported 13 individuals from 8 households to obtain, or remain in, suitable, settled accommodation. We also wrote and submitted a report regarind recurrent issues in how victims of domestic abuse were being treated by Bedford Borough Council.
The total spending can be summarised to the nearest pound as follows:
Casework costs inc. mileage = £4332
Admin* = £384
Cost to write domestic abuse report for MP = £967
Items for clients (furniture, electrical goods, bedding etc.) = £1014
Total: £6696
*including Microsoft office (£80), printing / stationery (£15), ICO registration (£35), reference books for casework (£35), BRCC membership renewal (£35), website and email hosting (£101), client Subject Access Requests (£10), room hire (£7), Freedom Program training for caseworker (£35) and miscellaneous items including handtruck for shifting client furniture (£31)