8th November 2019 to 7th November 2020
JustUs supported 148 people from 82 households for the year with 137 people reaching a positive housing outcome.
The total spending can be summarised as follows:
- Casework costs including caseworkers’ holiday pay, caseworkers’ professional supervisions, new caseworker inductions, research, and training £29,438.61.
- Giving information to professionals and members of the public £1,497.25
- Purchasing furniture and household goods £3,139.68
- Training costs including admin, development, delivery, accreditation (hours worked) and external trainer costs £2,929.60.
- Promoting better practice (hours worked) £770.62.
- Administration costs including hours worked, stationery, postage, Microsoft Office, website hosting, professional registrations, Facebook ads and Zoom subscription £3,248.57.
- Streamlining JustUs’ data protection (hours worked) £506.25.
- Safeguarding (hours worked) £517.50.
- IT equipment £84.76
- Travel and parking £995.16
- Insurance £402.00
- Client ID costs £235.25
- Miscellaneous including room hire and the purchase of reference books £384.04.
Total spending £44,149.29
This means that JustUs gets someone a positive housing outcome for every £215 it spends on casework.