Spending Summary 2018-19

In the financial year running from 8th Nov 2018 – 7th November 2019, JustUs supported 49 individuals from 25 households to obtain, or remain in, suitable, settled accommodation, with 1 being housed in a hostel after a spell in temporary accommodation. 10 more from 7 households found their own accommodation after some form of intervention by JustUs, but it is not certain our support made the difference so we will not include them in our main performance outcome statistics. 5 more were owed a temporary accommodation duty but disengaged from our support.

This brings the total to 50 people from 26 households for the year who ended up in settled accommodation as a driect result of JustUs' intervention.

The total spending can be summarised to the nearest pound as follows:


Casework costs inc. mileage, advice to other professionals and consultancy fees = £18579

Items for clients = £209

Administrative costs like Insurance, policy writing, accounting, caseworker mobile costs, creating Youtube videos, training advertising and delivery, IT, DBS checks, caseworker supervisions, travel for caseworker training and reference books for casework= £2750

Total Expenditure: £21538

This means that JustUs gets someone housed for every £372 it spends on casework.

You will notice this is a significant jump from our costs last year, there are a number of factors leading to this. Caseworkers' hourly rates have increased by 12.5% to reflect their increase in expertise. One of our caseworkers gave up his other job in August and has increased his JustUs hours significantly. Due to the timescales involved in getting someone the main homelessness duty, many clients he has helped this year are still in temporary accommodation and will be picked up in next year's stats when their final decision is made. We have also encountered more resistance from Bedford Borough Council than in the last year which has meant it has required more hours to get people housed. We have also focussed more on other legal duties owed to our clients through the Care Act, Equality Act and GDPR and have been using a safeguarding consultant from Adjusting the Balance for assistance in particularly complicated cases. We have also spent a lot more time giving one-to-one advice to other professionals - we know that this advice has led directly to clients being housed, but we do not have exact figures and so have not included them in the stats. If you would like to know more about any of this please email and we will try our best to answer any questions (info@justus.org.uk)

Contact Us

For more information about the support and advice that we can offer, email us at info@justus.org.uk.
JustUs is a charity registered in England and Wales (1166198)
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