Spending Summary 2017-18

In the financial year running from 7th Nov 2017 – 6th November 2018, JustUs supported 40 individuals from 21 households to obtain, or remain in, suitable, settled accommodation, with a further 3 being housed in a hostel after a spell in temporary accommodation and 9 more from 2 households being housed by social services. To the best of our knowledge, only 2 of these people became homeless again.

This brings the total to 52 people from 26 households for the year.

The total spending can be summarised to the nearest pound as follows:


Casework costs inc. mileage and advice to other professionals = £8121

Administrative items like Microsoft office, website hosting, room hire for training and reference books for casework= £220

Items for clients (furniture, electrical goods, bedding etc.) = £366

Total: £8707

Contact Us

For more information about the support and advice that we can offer, email us at info@justus.org.uk.
JustUs is a charity registered in England and Wales (1166198)
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