- Original banner scrapped and replaced with the JustUs logo placed centrally. However, the banner must also include the Harpur Trust and BLCF logos (attached) as well.
- Home page to read as per the document attached.
- Facebook and Linked in left hand side tabs to be removed as they block the text and placed elsewhere on the site as links.
- John Allen and Katie’s bios to be deleted from ‘Who we are’ and generic bio (attached) placed there instead.
- ‘Caseworkers’ not secure tab to be deleted.
- In the ‘Why give money to JustUs’ tab delete “For JustUs, based on our last financial year……” and everything below it. We will add some further text to this sometime in the future.
- In the ‘Want to fundraise’ tab add ‘skydived’.
- Remove the trustee advert.
Also as discussed, you have carte blanche to do anything you see fit to make the website presentable and safe.